28 dec. 2010

Când europenii servesc drept cobai

"Este viitoarea etapă a mondializării, şi sunt motive bune de a dori ca acesta să nu fie cazul", constată Vanity Fair. Din ce în ce mai mult, laboratoarele farmaceutice americane îşi testează medicamentele în străinătate, pe persoane care nu beneficiază de toate garanţiile de siguranţă. Această tendinţă priveşte ţările din lumea a treia dar şi Europa, precizează mensualul din New York. Din 2004 în 2007, partea de eseuri clinice efectuate în Statele Unite a scăzut cu 5.2%, în timp ce ea creştea cu 16% în Europa de Est, cu 12% în Asia şi cu 10% în America latină.
Avantajul pentru laboratoare, explică Vanity Fair, este faptul că ele fac testele în condiţii mai puţin stricte şi mai puţin costisitoare, de a obţine rezultate pozitive şi "de a convinge astfel Food and Drug Administration că medicamentele sunt sigure şi eficace pentru americani". În 2008, 80% din produsele supuse FDA au fost testate în afara Statelor Unite, ceea ce reprezintă 58 788 de teste. 876 dintre ele au avut loc în România, 589 în Ucraina, 716 în Turcia. Estonia, Polonia, Rusia, Lituania, Slovacia sau Croaţia sunt şi ele ţări apreciate de laboratoare.
În afara oricărui control serios, aceste teste sunt adeseori mortale. Revista citează exemplul unui test pentru un vaccin contra gripei efectuat într-un refugiu pentru cei fără domiciliu fix, la Grudziadz, în Polonia. Plătiţi cu 2 dolari, "cobaii credeau că vor primi un vaccin normal. Nu a fost cazul. Cel puţin 20 dintre ei au murit".Vanity Fair New York

12 dec. 2010

Putin: Western Model of Democracy Doesn't Exist

 Vladimir Putin: if there is democracy, it must be a full one. Why did they jail Mr. Assange? Is that democracy?”

 About democracy
“Can you tell me what it is – the Western model of democracy? France has one model of democracy, the USA has another one. A French politician told me once: one can not do anything at the elections in the USA without money – whether they are elections to the Senate or Congress, not to mention the presidential election. There is nothing to do there without a sack of money. So what is that democracy about? Is it democracy of those who have a lot of money? The USA is a presidential republic, Great Britain is a monarchy. All of that are elements of democracy, but what kind of democracy? There is no single model of “ Western democracy ”. It doesn’t exist.

Julian Assange supporters plan protests worldwide

Detention of WikiLeaks founder is focus of demonstrations today as speculation grows over legal move by US authorities

Protests will be held around the world today against the detention of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. Demonstrations are planned in the capitals of Spain, the Netherlands, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico and Peru to demand Assange's release, the re-establishment of the WikiLeaks domain name and the restoration of Visa and Mastercard credit services to allow supporters to donate money to the whistleblowing site.
A statement on the Spanish-language website Free WikiLeaks said: "We seek the liberation of Julian Assange in United Kingdom territory." The website called on protesters to gather at 6pm (17.00 GMT) in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville and three other Spanish cities.(www.guardian.co.uk)

8 dec. 2010

Global Censorship: Wikileaks under attack

Since Wikileaks released the US embassy cables on 28 November it has come under pressure on several fronts, from DDoS attacks to frozen bank accounts. We list the companies, politicians and organisations making life difficult for Wikileaks and Julian Assange

On Sunday 28 November Wikileaks began releasing the first of its 250,000 leaked US embassy cables. Almost immediately, a hacking attack known as a "DDOS" – distributed denial of service – attack tried to knock it off the net. These are the attacks that have followed in the succeeding days.

Sunday 28 November

TECH: DDoS attack hits WikiLeaks as first set of US diplomatic cables is published.

Wednesday 1 December

TECH: Tableau Software, which offers free software for data visualisation, removes the public views of graphics built using information about the diplomatic cables. It is the first company to distance itself from Wikileaks, and admits that the reason was pressure from Senator Joe Lieberman, an independent senator with ties to the Democratic party.
POLITICS: Lieberman, chairman of the Senate's committee on homeland security, calls for Wikileaks to be taken offline. "I call on any other company or organization that is hosting Wikileaks to immediately terminate its relationship with them. Wikileaks' illegal, outrageous, and reckless acts have compromised our national security and put lives at risk around the world. No responsible company - whether American or foreign - should assist Wikileaks in its efforts to disseminate these stolen materials."
TECH Amazon removes Wikileaks's content from its EC2 cloud service, but later insists it did so because the content could cause harm to people and did not belong to Wikileaks – and that it was not due to political pressure or the hacker attacks against the site.

Friday 3 December

TECH: Wikileaks.org ceases to work for web users after everyDNS.com, which had provided a free routing service translating the human-readable address into a machine-readable form, ends support.
Wikileaks shifts to a backup domain registered in Switzerland but actually hosted in Sweden, at Wikileaks.ch, though the cables are hosted in part by OVH, an internet provider in the north of France.
EveryDNS claims that the DDOS attacks against Wikileaks were disrupting its service provided to thousands of other customers. The company says it is "following established policies so as not to put any one EveryDNS.net user's interests ahead of any others. Lastly, regardless of what people say about the actions of EveryDNS.net, we know this much is true - we believe in our New Hampshire state motto, Live Free or Die."
POLITICS: French industry minister Eric Besson writes to internet companies warning them there will be "consequences" for any companies or organisations helping to keep WikiLeaks online in the country.

Saturday 4 December

MONEY: PayPal, owned by US auction site eBay, permanently restricts account used by WikiLeaks due to a "violation of the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy". A spokesman said the account was suspended because "[it] cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity."
You can still donate at Commerzbank Kassel in Germany or Landsbanki in Iceland or by post to a post office box at the University of Melbourne or at http://wikileaks.ch/support.html
TECH: Switch, the Swiss registrar for Wikileaks.ch declines pressure from US and French authorities to remove the site or block access to it.

Sunday 5 December

TECH: The Pirate Party in Sweden says that it has taken over the hosting of the Cablegate directory of Wikileaks after the server in France at OVH, which had been hosting the contents of the US diplomatic cables released so far, goes offline.

Monday 6 December

MONEY: Credit card company Mastercard withdraws ability to make donations to Wikileaks. "MasterCard is taking action to ensure that WikiLeaks can no longer accept MasterCard-branded products," the credit card outfit says.
TECH: Wikileaks' servers in Sweden attacked by distributed denial of service attack.
MONEY: Postfinance, the Swiss postal system, strips WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of a key fundraising tool, accusing him of lying and immediately shutting down one of his bank accounts. The bank says that Assange had "provided false information regarding his place of residence during the account opening process."
Assange had told Postfinance he lived in Geneva but could offer no proof that he was a Swiss resident, a requirement of opening such an account. Postfinance spokesman Alex Josty told The Associated Press the account was closed Monday afternoon and there would be "no criminal consequences" for misleading authorities. "That's his money, he will get his money back," Josty said. "We just close the account and that's it."

Tuesday 7 December

MONEY: Credit card company Visa withdraws ability to make donations or payments to Wikileaks. "Visa Europe has taken action to suspend Visa payment acceptance on WikiLeaks' website pending further investigation into the nature of its business and whether it contravenes Visa operating rules," said a spokesman.

Note: an earlier version of this article wrongly referred to easyDNS.com as having provided DNS routing for Wikileaks. This was wrong, and the company was not involved at that time - although easyDNS.com is now providing routing for Wikileaks.ch.

3 dec. 2010

Wikileaks: Vladimir Putin warns USA to stay out of Russian internal affairs

In a combative interview with CNN, the Russian prime minister dropped diplomatic protocol to lash out at US criticism of him and his country laid bare in a series of US diplomatic cables made public by WikiLeaks.
Mr Putin dismissed US defence secretary Robert Gates' views on Russia as "deeply misled," said that a US decision not to ratify a key US-Russia nuclear arms reduction pact would be "very dumb," and repeated Kremlin warnings that the world would face a new arms race if Nato did not treat Russia fairly.(read more)

Wikileaks: Russia branded 'mafia state' in cables
 The cables, published by the Guardian newspaper, paint a picture of a corrupt Russia centred around the leadership of Mr Putin. Bribery in the political system totals an estimated $300bn (£192bn) a year, the paper says.
In one cable from January 2010, Spanish prosecutor Jose "Pepe" Grinda Gonzales claimed that in Russia, Belarus and Chechnya "one cannot differentiate between the activities of the Government and OC (organised crime) groups".

30 nov. 2010

300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

Fossil fuels have powered human growth and ingenuity for centuries. Now that we're reaching the end of cheap and abundant oil and coal supplies, we're in for an exciting ride. While there's a real risk that we'll fall off a cliff, there's still time to control our transition to a post-carbon future.

29 nov. 2010

Worldwide Diplomacy Meltdown: US embassy cables leak sparks global diplomatic crisis

US embassy cables leak sparks global diplomatic crisis

• More than 250,000 dispatches reveal US foreign strategies
• Diplomats ordered to spy on allies as well as enemies
• Saudi king urged Washington to bomb Iran

Read the full coverage of the US embassy cables

Wikileaks began on Sunday November 28th publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into US Government foreign activities.
The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.
The embassy cables will be released in stages over the next few months. The subject matter of these cables is of such importance, and the geographical spread so broad, that to do otherwise would not do this material justice.
The cables show the extent of US spying on its allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in "client states"; backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats take to advance those who have access to them.
This document release reveals the contradictions between the US’s public persona and what it says behind closed doors – and shows that if citizens in a democracy want their governments to reflect their wishes, they should ask to see what’s going on behind the scenes.
Every American schoolchild is taught that George Washington – the country’s first President – could not tell a lie. If the administrations of his successors lived up to the same principle, today’s document flood would be a mere embarrassment. Instead, the US Government has been warning governments -- even the most corrupt -- around the world about the coming leaks and is bracing itself for the exposures.
The full set consists of 251,287 documents, comprising 261,276,536 words (seven times the size of "The Iraq War Logs", the world's previously largest classified information release).
The cables cover from 28th December 1966 to 28th February 2010 and originate from 274 embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions.

23 nov. 2010

Campanie internațională organizata împotriva băncilor: 7 decembrie - ziua retragerii generale

Fără absolut nicio legătură cu normele de aplicare ale vreunei ordonanțe de urgență sau directive europene, în rândul utilizatorilor de internet din mai multe țări europene a luat naștere o mișcare de protest împotriva băncilor, numită "Stop Banque", care presupune invitația de retragere masivă a banilor depuși în bănci, exact în ziua de 7 decembrie.(Capital.ro)

Apărută în Franța, mișcarea s-a răspândit apoi pe bloguri din Germania sau Olanda, iar acum dispune de un cont pe Facebook care are ca titlu de pagină: REVOLUTION! ON 12/07 LET'S GO EVERYBODY TO WITHDRAW OUR MONEY!. 

10 nov. 2010

Resource collapse : Not if, but When.

EU needs 1 trillion euro investment in energy
BRUSSELS -- The European Union says it needs to invest euro1 trillion (almost $1.4 trillion) in pipelines, building insulation and wind and solar technology over the next decade to meet its energy needs.
EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said Wednesday the 27-nation bloc needs the new infrastructure to assure its international competitiveness, establish secure energy supplies and assure wide-ranging choice among imports.
The EU has already committed to ambitious energy commitments by 2020, promising to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent, increase renewable energy by 20 percent and improve efficiency.Those three targets are key to Europe's climate change commitments.(FORBES)   Yeah right :))))

Melting ice in the Arctic is expected to uncover untapped oil and gas reserves and open up new shipping lanes, changes "that can potentially lead to tension" in the region, Fox told The Associated Press on the sidelines of the meeting in Oslo. Yeah right :)))))) oil in the arctic :)))))

Afganistanul are resurse de petrol in valoare de o mie de miliarde de dolari
Afganistanul, una dintre cele mai sarace tari din lume, are in subsol resurse petroliere si minerale estimate la o mie de miliarde de dolari, a declarat duminica presedintele Hamid Karzai, informeaza NewsIn. Si marmota invelea ciocolata in staniol :)))))     

Reality Facts 

China resorts to blackouts in pursuit of energy efficiency
With end of current five-year plan looming, many regions are desperately pulling the plug to meet usage targets

To meet energy goals, China orders blackouts.Move affects key industrial areas.BEIJING — Chinese steel mills and mobile-phone factories are being idled and thousands of homes in one area are doing without electricity as local governments order power cuts to meet energy-saving targets set by Beijing. Rolling blackouts and enforced power cuts are affecting key industrial areas. The prosperous eastern city of Taizhou turned off street lights and ordered hotels and shopping malls to cut power use.

Blackout policy sparks diesel shortage
The blackouts are one of the factors unwittingly causing the diesel shortage. Long lines of cars and even "sold out" signs at gas stations are increasingly common sights in many cities. 

China Reported to be # 1 Energy Consumer

23 sept. 2010

Military Study Warns of a Potentially Drastic Oil Crisis

  A study by a German military think tank has analyzed how "peak oil" might change the global economy. The internal draft document -- leaked on the Internet -- shows for the first time how carefully the German government has considered a potential energy crisis.
The term "peak oil" is used by energy experts to refer to a point in time when global oil reserves pass their zenith and production gradually begins to decline. This would result in a permanent supply crisis -- and fear of it can trigger turbulence in commodity markets and on stock exchanges.
The study, whose authenticity was confirmed to SPIEGEL ONLINE by sources in government circles, was not meant for publication. The document is said to be in draft stage and to consist solely of scientific opinion, which has not yet been edited by the Defense Ministry and other government bodies.(read more)

Raport intern al armatei germane: urmează o criză petrolieră dramatică
Armata germană (Bundeswehr) a analizat consecinţele scăderii producţiei de petrol asupra economiei mondiale: tulburări majore pe pieţele de materii prime şi la Burse, scrie Der Spiegel.
Subiectul este atât de exploziv din punct de vedere politic încât este neobişnuit faptul că o instituţie precum armata germană foloseşte conceptul de Peak Oil. Departamentul pentru Analize de Viitor, care ţine de Centrul pentru Transformarea Armatei, a analizat pentru prima oară dimensiunile problemei Peak Oil la nivel de politică de securitate. Grupul de autori, condus de locotenent colonelul Thomas Will, descrie în acest studiu consecinţele unei penurii ireversibile de materii prime, parţial cu cuvinte dramatice. Ei avertizează asupra deplasării echilibrului global de putere, a unor noi "relaţii de dependenţă", a unei pierderi în importanţă în cadrul naţiunilor occidentale industrializate, a unei "prăbuşiri complete a pieţelor" precum şi asupra unor grave crize economice şi politice, potrivit Der Spiegel, citat de Romania Libera.

Sustin si Particip - Hai si TU!

18 sept. 2010

Spui Romania si tragi apa

Milioane de contracte se vor semna singure

Pentru că legea nu i-a obligat pe bancheri, în mod expres, să-i anunţe pe toţi clienţii că trebuie să semneze noile acte adiţionale, multe bănci au preferat, pur şi simplu, să nu facă nimic în acest sens. Motivul? Nesemnarea contractelor, conform legii, se consideră, pe 20 septembrie, adoptare tacită din partea clientului. Mai mult decât atât, actul adiţional va fi considerat aprobat tacit la această dată chiar dacă clientul a făcut o cerere sau o plângere împotriva băncii, fără a semna documentul. (Gandul.info)

28 aug. 2010

De ce?

Pretindeţi că vă iubiţi soţia. Această iubire cuprinde plăcerea sexuală, plăcerea de a avea pe cineva acasă care să îngrijească de copii, care să gătească. Aveţi nevoie de această femeie care v-a dat trupul ei, emoţiile ei, încurajarea ei, un anumit sentiment de siguranţă şi de bunăstare. Apoi, deo­dată, ea se îndepărtează de voi, se plictiseşte sau vă părăseşte pentru un altul şi întregul echilibru emotiv vă este distrus. Această situaţie nefericită vă tulbură adânc, o numiţi gelozie; ea presupune suferinţă, nelinişte, ură şi violenţă. Ceea ce îi spuneţi în realitate soţiei dumneavoastră este: "Atâta vreme cât îmi aparţii, te iubesc, dar de îndată ce mă vei părăsi, te voi uri. Atâta vreme cât mă pot bizui pe tine că îmi vei satisface cerinţele sexuale şi de al gen, te voi iubi; de îndată ce nu-mi vei mai da ceea ce doresc, te voi scoate din inima mea."
Iată cum între două persoane apare un antagonism şi un sentiment de separaţie în care iubirea nu mai are loc. Dacă totuşi puteţi trăi cu soţia fără ca gândirea să creeze toate aceste stări contradic­torii, fără să vă întreţină aceste nesfârşite sfâşieri, atunci poate... poate... că veţi şti ce înseamnă iubirea, şi veţi fi liberi, în general, noi suntem sclavii persoanei de care depind plăcerile noastre; dar când iubim trebuie să fim cu desăvârşire liberi, nu numai faţă de cealaltă persoană, ci şi faţă de noi înşine.
Această situaţie de a aparţine cuiva, de a fi psihologic hrănit de cineva, de a depinde de cineva, presupune întotdeauna nelinişte, frică, gelozie, vinovăţie - şi câtă vreme există frică, nu există iubire; o minte copleşită de suferinţă nu va şti niciodată ce este iubirea. O stare de suferinţă, sentimentală sau emoţională, plăcerea şi dorinţa n-au nimic de-a face cu iubirea. (Krishnamurti - Eliberarea de cunoscut)

20 aug. 2010

Let's see what will happen....I have nothing to lose...

Tyler Durden: In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.

1 aug. 2010

COLLAPSE - Michael Ruppert explores his apocalyptic vision of the future, spanning the crises in economics, energy, environment and more.

Americanilor le place să audă de obicei vești bune. Le place să creadă că un președinte nou va îndrepta greșelile trecutului, că energia regenerabilă va înlocui petrolul murdar și că ideile noi vor vindeca economia. Analiștii americani tind să își restrângă pesimismul și să spere la mai bine. Dar e cineva pregătit pentru adevărata catastrofă? În acest film documentar îl vom cunoaște pe Michael Ruppert, un alt fel de american. Urmareste online acest documentar si hotaraste singur intr-un mod cat mai nesuperficial cu putinta daca are dreptate sau nu.Tradus in lb romana.

Unde se poate vedea filmul? Link-uri utile :


31 iul. 2010

România - o ţară superstiţioasă

Portretul unei ţări. Mulţi români cred că Soarele se învârte în jurul Pământului, că pe vremea dinozaurilor trăiau oameni sau că horoscopul este „foarte ştiinţific“(gandul.info)

Soarele se învârte în jurul Pământului - 42% cred că da, 7% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Primele fiinţe umane au trăit în aceeaşi perioadă cu dinozaurii - 30% cred că da, 25% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Pământului îi trebuie o lună ca să înconjoare Soarele - 20% cred că da, 33% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Laserele funcţionează prin concentrarea undelor sonore - 26% cred că da, 40% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Laptele radioactiv devine bun pentru consum prin fierberea sa - 34% cred că da, 22% nu ştiu sau nu răspund.
Culoarea roşie ne fereşte de deochi - 39% au răspuns "bine", 13% "foarte bine";
Numărul 13 poartă ghinion - 21% au răspuns "bine", 9% "foarte bine";
Dacă te mănâncă palma stângă, vei primi bani - 31% au răspuns "bine", 14% "foarte bine";
Cine nu are noroc în dragoste are noroc la cărţi - 14% au răspuns "bine", 3% "foarte bine";

Dacă o pisică neagră îţi taie calea, aduce ghinion - 22% au răspuns "bine", 12% "foarte bine".

Există miracole, fenomene ce nu pot fi explicate de ştiinţă - 7% dezacord total, 6% dezacord, 29% acord, 48% acord total;
Există oameni posedaţi de diavol - 16% dezacord total, 10% dezacord, 24% acord, 32% acord total;
Ştiinţa greşeşte când contrazice scrierile sfinte - 9% dezacord total, 20% dezacord, 27% acord, 28% acord total.

Ne bazăm prea mult pe ştiinţă şi nu destul pe credinţă - 9% dezacord total, 24% dezacord, 35% acord, 24% acord total;
Cercetarea sociologică STISOC este focalizată pe stocul public de cunoaştere ştiinţifică şi pe atitudinile publicului faţă de ştiinţă. Am avut în vedere şi informaţii despre: credinţe şi practici religioase, cunoaştere şi atitudini referitoare la superstiţii, pseudo-ştiinţe şi para-ştiinţe, cunoştinţe specifice despre corpul uman şi despre practici de apărare a sănătăţii.
Investigaţia este sociologică, bazată pe date de anchetă, şi vizează cunoştinţe, credinţe, atitudini şi opinii, adică moduri de constituire a universurilor subiective ale publicului românesc contemporan asociate domeniilor de viaţă şi cunoaştere menţionate. Întrucât investigaţii, parţial similare, au fost realizate şi în alte ţări, mai ales europene, posibilităţile de comparare au fost la îndemână şi nu am ezitat să le invocăm şi să le prezentăm. Pentru un studiu in amanunt al rezultatelor acestei cercetari sociologice va rugam sa accesati siteul www.stisoc.ro

29 iul. 2010

Afghanistan war logs: Secret files exposes truth of occupation

• Hundreds of civilians killed by coalition troops
• Covert unit hunts leaders for 'kill or capture'
• Steep rise in Taliban bomb attacks on Nato
• Read the Guardian's full war logs investigation

War Logs Cast Light on Dirty Side of Afghanistan Conflict

The war logs cast light for the first time on the activities of the elite American unit Task Force 373, whose task is to hunt down senior Taliban in Afghanistan. Secret reports show just how cheap life is in Afghanistan -- and how often mistakes happen during missions.

Obama and the massive Afghan war leak

On July 27, Obama finally received the $37 billion in additional funding for his new war strategy, which he had been requesting for nearly six months, when the U.S. House of Representatives followed the Senate and approved the new war-funding bill.That injection, in addition to the $130 billion allocated for the Afghan and Iraqi wars this year, should give the U.S. military what it needs to "break the back" of the Taliban*, if not completely defeat them, by the summer of 2011, when the United States plans to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

* The Taliban was created in Pakistan by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and Pakistan's Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in the 1980s, when the Soviet Union was fighting its own Afghan war.

27 iul. 2010

Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010

WikiLeaks today released over 75,000 secret US military reports covering the war in Afghanistan.

The Afghan War Diary an extraordinary secret compendium of over 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. The reports describe the majority of lethal military actions involving the United States military. They include the number of persons internally stated to be killed, wounded, or detained during each action, together with the precise geographical location of each event, and the military units involved and major weapon systems used.

The Afghan War Diary is the most significant archive about the reality of war to have ever been released during the course of a war. The deaths of tens of thousands is normally only a statistic but the archive reveals the locations and the key events behind each most of these deaths. We hope its release will lead to a comprehensive understanding of the war in Afghanistan and provide the raw ingredients necessary to change its course.

Most entries have been written by soldiers and intelligence officers listening to reports radioed in from front line deployments. However the reports also contain related information from Marines intelligence, US Embassies, and reports about corruption and development activity across Afghanistan.
This archive shows the vast range of small tragedies that are almost never reported by the press but which account for the overwhelming majority of deaths and injuries.

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has been all over the news for his controversial publication of the documents he has released.As Wikileaks continues to make a name for itself by leaking nearly 93,000 documents about US policy in Afghanistan, the Obama administration says the documents do not reveal very much and, additionally, do not reflect changes in policy since Obama became president.WikiLeaks, blows the whistle but The Whitehouse downplays the release of these documents

25 iul. 2010

US and South Korea begin military drills - It will be interesting to see how North Korea will react - Nuclear threat or Not ?

(Reuters) - The U.S. and South Korean militaries kicked off large exercises on Sunday to underscore deterrence against North Korea after accusing the reclusive communist state of sinking a warship.

(www.telegraph.co.uk) - US and South Korea begin military drills in the face of nuclear threat from North Korea
The United States and South Korea began military drills off the Korean peninsula in defiance of threats from North Korea that it would respond with a "nuclear deterrent".

(voanews.com) - The United States and South Korea are to hold a series of joint military exercises in response to the late March sinking of a South Korean warship, blamed on North Korea. The first drill is to begin Sunday in the Sea of Japan. It is being called unprecedented in scope with 8,000 forces participating, 20 surface ships and submarines and about 200 fixed wing aircraft.

(news.yahoo.com) - ABOARD USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – A nuclear-powered U.S. supercarrier led an armada of warships in exercises off the Korean peninsula Sunday that North Korea has vowed to physically block and says could escalate into nuclear war. U.S. military officials said the maneuvers, conducted with South Korean ships and Japanese observers, were intended to send a strong signal to the North that aggression in the region will not be tolerated.

23 iul. 2010

Calatorie la marginea universului perceptiei mintii umane

Dincolo de confortul casei noastre numite Pământ se întinde o lume vastă și misterioasă. Un film documentar marca National Geographic ce ridică voalul de pe enigmele spațiului ce ne înconjoară. Curios?! Imaginatie sau Realitate?! Conteaza ?! Vezi documentarul in varianta HD cu subtitrare in lb. romana - Click pe poza de mai jos.

29 iun. 2010

Începe al treilea val al depresiunii

Recesiunile sunt comune, dar depresiunile sunt rare, spune laureatul premiului Nobel Paul Krugman în New York Times. El susţine că au fost numai două perioade economice în istorie care pot fi descrise ca "depresiune". Este vorba despre anii de deflaţie şi instabilitate care a urmat Panicii din 1873 şi anii de şomaj în masă care au urmat crizei financiare din 1929 - 1931.

"Mă tem că ne aflăm acum în etapele timpurii ale celei de-a treia depresiuni. Va semăna probabil mai degraba cu "Lunga Depresiune" decat cu mult mai severa "Marea Depresiune". Dar costul - suportat de economiile lumii si, in cele din urma, de milioanele de vieti ruinate de lipsa locurilor de munca - va fi imens", crede Paul Krugman.

"Este ca şi cum pieţele financiare înteleg ceea ce decidenţii politici par să nu înţeleagă: reducerea cheltuielilor în mijlocul unei depresiuni adânceşte căderea şi pavează calea spre deflaţie. Acesta este echivalentul unui proces de autodistrugere", a concluzionat Krugman.El susţine că preţul final al acestui triumf al ortodoxiei va fi plătit de zecile de milioane de şomeri care vor rămâne fără un loc de muncă pe o perioadă lungă de timp şi unii dintre ei, chiar nu vor mai munci niciodată. (Sursa: Cotidianul & Money.ro)

Nobel Prize winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has issued perhaps the most frightening prediction for the future of the global economy.

In his column today, Krugman worries that a move toward austerity by world governments -- near-term budget-slashing to curb deficits -- will plunge the economy into a "third depression." On the heels of last week's G20 meeting in Toronto, where world governments pledged to halve deficits by 2013, Krugman is deeply concerned that there just won't be enough stimulus in the economy to recover from the prolonged downturn.(read more)

Update - Gerald Celente on Paul Krugman and the real economic predictions/solutions

27 iun. 2010

G20 protests in Toronto turn violent

Click photo for more

TORONTO - Clashes with police broke out Saturday as an estimated 10,000 demonstrators took to the streets of Toronto as part of a massive anti-G20 protest.While most of the protesters were content to sing songs, wave placards and dance, a smaller group, estimated at roughly 100, were doing more serious damage, smashing windows at banks and shops in the downtown, as well as attacking a Global News vehicle.Hundreds of riot-gear-wearing officers watched from a distance for much of the day.Dressed in helmets, gas masks and body armour, they were attempting to block protesters from walking down toward the Toronto Convention Centre, the site of the G20 summit.Two police cars were set ablaze. After flames and smoke had finally stopped streaming from the burnt-out police cars, which had been parked when they were set on fire, officers formed a line four deep to block off a street.

26 iun. 2010

Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy

"You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat! It's not a seminar!
You have to forget everything you know, everything you think
you know -- about life, about friendship, about you and me.
It's only after you've lost everything
that you're free to do anything.
~Tyler Durden~

20 iun. 2010

It's Too Late - We All Deserve to Die

Human race 'will be extinct within 100 years

Professor Frank Fenner, emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University, has predicted that the human race will be extinct within the next 100 years.He has claimed that the human race will be unable to survive a population explosion and 'unbridled consumption.’
Fenner told The Australian newspaper that 'homo sapiens will become extinct, perhaps within 100 years.A lot of other animals will, too,' he added.It's an irreversible situation. I think it's too late. I try not to express that because people are trying to do something, but they keep putting it off.'
Last year official UN figures estimated that the world’s population is currently 6.8 billion. It is predicted to exceed seven billion by the end of 2011
Read more

10 iun. 2010

Iliescule, ai ramas o mizerie! Pentru cine nu uita si nu iarta!

Dumincă rememorăm 13-15 iunie 1990. MARŞ MĂI “ANIMALULE”!

Duminică, la 12.00 fix vă aşteptăm la marş. Vom porni din faţa Intercontinentalului, pentru a merge pe traseul Piaţa Romană-Calea Dorobanţi până la Ion Iliescu. Pentru a-i duce în cadou panseluţe şi pentru a nu uita:
13-15 IUNIE 1990.

Sustin www.noiigolani.ro/

4 iun. 2010

Grupul Bilderberg - Spania 2010

Grupul Bilderberg se reuneste incepand de joi pentru patru zile in Spania, la Sitges. O serie de bloguri vorbesc despre aceasta reuniune, despre agenda si despre participanti.

Charlie Skelton de la The Guardian are o postare pe blogul sau in care arata ce urmeaza sa se intample la aceasta reuniune inchisa atat publicului, cat si presei. El aminteste ca anul trecut reuniunea a fost in Grecia, la ea au participat ministrul de finante si cel de externe grec, precum si guvernatorul Bancii Nationale. "Cateva luni mai tarziu, Grecia era in faliment, iar Atena in flacari. Asa ca... succes Madrid!", scrie britanicul.

In jurul grupului Bilderberg se invart tot felul de teorii ale conspiratiei, se considera ca acestia sunt cei care, de fapt, conduc lumea si stabilesc in astfel de intalniri precum cea de-acum, din Spania, ce se va intampla in lume in urmatorul an. Grupul cuprinde monarhi, politicieni, bancheri, oameni de afaceri din diverse domenii.

este lista participantilor din acest an, iar aici este agenda discutiilor. ( HotNews.ro )

Extra : Afla mai multe despre Grupul Bilderberg

28 mai 2010

....Azi, NU am chef....NU!

In amintirea zilelor cu soare, liniste si pace :)

25 mai 2010

Om vs. Om

Relatiile dintre fiintele omenesti se intemeiaza intodeauna pe mecanisme de aparare, pe imagini. In relatiile umane fiecare isi construieste o imagine despre celelalte persoane, iar raporturile care se stabilesc sunt raporturi intre imagini, si nicidecum intre fiinte omenesti. Sotia are o imagine despre sot – poate nu constienta, dar ea este totusi prezenta – iar sotul o imagine despre sotia sa. Avem o imagine despre tara noastra si despre noi insine si mereu intarim aceste imagini, adaugand din ce in ce mai mult la ele. Aceste imagini determina pretinsele noastre raporturi cu ceilalti. Relatia reala dintre doua fiinte omenesti, sau dintre mai multe fiinte omenesti, inceteaza cu desavarsire atunci cand se produce formarea de imagini. Este evident ca relatiile intemeiate pe aceste imagini nu pot aduce niciodata pace in raporturile nostre, fiindca imaginile sunt fictive si nu se poate trai intr-o abstractie. Si totusi, aceasta este ceea ce facem cu totii; traim intr-o lume de idei, de teorii, de simboluri, de imagini pe care le-am creat despre noi insine si despre ceilalti, in care nu se afla nici o realitate. Toate raporturile pe care le avem, fie cu ideile, fie cu bunurile materiale, fie cu fiintele omenesti, se bazeaza in mod esential pe aceasta formare de imagini si de aici se naste intodeauna conflictul.

Omul a acceptat starea de conflict ca o parte integranta a existentei zilnice, fiindca a admis concurenta, gelozia, lacomia, dorinta de a acapara si agresivitatea ca un mod de viata cat se poate de firesc. Cand acceptam un asemenea mod de viata, noi acceptam structura societatii asa cum este ea si acceptam sa traim in conformitate cu sablonul ei de respectabilitate. Este capcana in care cad cei mai multi dintre noi, fiindca dorim sa fim cat mai respectabili! Daca cercetam mintile si inimile noastre, felul in care gandim, simtim sau actionam in viata noastra zilnica, observam ca atata timp cat ne conformam valorilor societatii viata noastra trebuie sa fie o adevarata lupta.

Cei mai multi dintre noi sunt nespus de bogati in tot ceea ce a produs societatea, in tot ceea ce societatea a creat in noi insine: bogati in lacomie, invidie, ura, gelozie, neliniste. Aceasta este “averea” noastra. (J.Krishnamurti - Eliberarea de Cunoscut)

21 mai 2010

Guvernul Basescu & Boc preferă să scadă pensiile decât să crească impozitele pentru bogaţi

Şeful FMI: Noi am spus NU tăierii salariale cu 25%. Am propus impozitarea bogaţilor. Guvernul român s-a opus

Directorul general al FMI, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a criticat dur măsurile de tăiere a pensiilor şi salariilor din sectorul bugetar pe care vrea să le aplice România.
"Le-am spus: dacă vreţi să faceţi economie, creşteţi impozitarea, mai ales pentru cei bogaţi. Noi am spus nu reducerii cu 25% a salariilor. Guvernul a spus: nu, decizia este a noastră. Aceasta este adevărat: Guvernul decide întotdeauna, nu FMI", a declarat şeful FMI în cadrul unei emisiuni difuzate de postul de televiziune France 2.

Surse : gandul.info / Cotidianul.ro / ZiarulFinanciar / Capital.ro

20 mai 2010


Los Angeles based Michael Ruppert, author of Confronting Collapse, speaks on the tangible steps that must be taken to confront the grave global reality of our oil dependence. Sponsored by Chelsea Green Publishing, Vermont Commons, The Candidates for Vermont Independence and Free Vermont Radio, along with local sponsors.

"What you will see here is explosive and controversial. I guess you could say I'm really back now. It's time to bring this to a head because there is no more time to waste. From now on I will refer to the Peak Oil/Sustainability movement only as the Lifeboat Movemement, because that's what it is. It belongs to all mankind."Michael Ruppert

19 mai 2010

The struggle for control over natural resources is far from being resolved.

Africa's oil spills are far from U.S. media glare

Oil gushing from an undersea well in the Gulf of Mexico has damaged BP's reputation and share price but accidents involving other companies in less scrutinized parts of the world have avoided the media glare.

In contrast, the international media has largely ignored the latest incidents of pipeline damage in Nigeria, where the public can only guess how much oil might have been leaked.The most recent damage in Nigeria, which has not been attributed to militant attacks that have preyed on Nigerian oil infrastructure for years, forced U.S. operator ExxonMobil to relieve itself of contractual obligations by declaring force majeure on its exports of Nigerian benchmark crude.The light sweet crude is particularly well-suited for refining into gasoline and is regularly supplied to the United States, the world's biggest oil burner. Exxon declined the opportunity to give details of the damage, clean-up or repair work.(Reuters)

Reliance on Oil Sands Grows Despite Risks

CONKLIN, Alberta — Beneath the subarctic forests of western Canada, deep under the peat bogs and herds of wild caribou, lies the tarry rock that is one of America’s top sources of imported oil. There is no chance of a rig blowout here, or a deepwater oil spill like the one from the BP well that is now fouling the Gulf of Mexico. But the oil extracted from Canada’s oil sands poses other environmental challenges, like toxic sludge ponds, greenhouse gas emissions and the destruction of boreal forests.(nytimes)

European Parliament debates cyanide mining technologies

The EP resolution calling for the ban on cyanide mining technologies sends a signal about our also thinking of the future, not just of the present and we hope that the EU executive body comes up with a proposition to prevent ecological disasters, said MEP Daciana Sarbu (S&D/PSD), after the vote on the relevant resolution. „The resolution adopted today is a very strong signal sent by the European Parliament on how mining should be done in the future, in Europe and all over the world. Given that the resolution calls on the Commission and on Member States to not support any project that uses cyanides, the Romanian government must understand that this message addresses it directly and that its hasty and desperate efforts to implement the Rosia Montana mining project must stop,” added Renate Weber.(financiarul.ro)

16 mai 2010


"In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself."Jiddu Krishnamurti

13 mai 2010

Solutii de criza - Made in Romania

Patriarhia Română: vom depăşi acest impas prin construirea de biserici pentru sporirea credinţei

Patriarhia Română consideră că lăcaşurile de cult aflate în construcţie trebuie finalizate, în ciuda crizei economico-financiare care afectează România. Reprezentanţii acesteia spun că vom depăşi impasul prin construirea de biserici pentru sporirea credinţei. "Considerăm înşelătoare opinia conform căreia trebuie făcute economii, inclusiv prin sistarea lucrărilor la lăcaşurile de cult aflate în construcţie, deoarece prin edificarea unui lăcaş de cult se întăreşte solidaritatea şi cooperarea dintre credincioşi, inclusiv întărirea vieţii spirituale, care permite oamenilor să depăşească orice fel de criză, fără să se «autodemoleze», ajungând la deznădejde sau la dezumanizare", se arată într-un comunicat al Patriarhiei Române. Un studiu recent arată că circa 4.000 de biserici au fost construite în România din 1989, în timp ce numărul de şcoli a scăzut la mai mult de jumătate.(Gandul.info)

Extra : Pentru fanii genului, recomand cu deosebita smerenie www.orthodoxmall.eu si www.vesminte.com

9 mai 2010

Nearly a Third of Your Genes Are Patented by Biotech Companies

We may have inherited some of our finest qualities from parents and grandparents, but like anything else, there is a downside: part of that inheritance could be a disposition to a variety of deadly diseases. But the good news is that since the mapping of the human genome, science has made some giant leaps in detecting and treating inherited conditions.

By detecting those genes, for example the genes that predispose women to breast cancer, doctors can offer preemptive treatment. It sounds simple enough, but there's a catch: a woman may have that gene, but strange as it seems, it's really the property of a biotech company that has taken out a patent on it.

So far, nearly 10,000 human genes have been patented, all of them now in question based on a court ruling this past week.

Because, as "60 Minutes correspondent Morley Safer reports, whether you like it or not, under current law a vital part of who you are actually belongs to someone else.(more here)

6 mai 2010

China & Peak Oil

Although Mr. Saxena didn’t say anything that came as any great surprise to the Peak Oil-aware community, the fact that this interview was aired on a mainstream financial station tells us we’re approaching a tipping point of Peak Oil awareness.

CNBC interview with Puru Saxena (CEO of Puru Saxena Wealth Management) on 26th April, 2010 regarding "China & Peak Oil".

The very best basic introduction to the concepts of Peak Oil
: www.chrismartenson.com

3 mai 2010

Scientists warn Eyjafjallajokull could trigger the Katla volcano to erupt

The recent volcanic activity of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull has shed a spotlight upon the consequences of large-scale volcanic eruptions.Katla is a much larger Icelandic volcano system located approximately 17 miles (27 km) to the east Eyjafjallajokull. Geoscientists are wary not only for the damage an eruption could cause Iceland, but also the international implications that could follow, including global temperature change.(read more)

The eruptions and ash disturbance from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano might be waking up its neighbor, Katla. If this is the case, the results could be globally devastating. Activity at Katla has risen 200% in the last two days.(read more)

The explosive activity in the volcano in Eyjafjallajökull glacier seems to be increasing as the volcanic cloud has been larger and darker in color in the past few days than what it was the week prior, according to a new report from the Icelandic Meteorological Office.(read more)