11 mar. 2011

Tsunami hits Japan after massive quake

A 8.9-magnitude earthquake has triggered a tsunami along Japan's north-eastern coastline, and scores are feared killed. Cars, boats, homes and people were swept away as fires burned out of control.

PS - Imi este scarba de toata media din Rromania care vede, ca intodeauna, ceva mistic (apocalipsa, sfarsitul lumii, pedeapsa lu doamne-doamne, coborarea lu isus din ceruri si alte mizerii infantile) in orice eveniment natural independent de vointa omului.

9 mar. 2011

Spui Romania si tragi apa...din nou

 Aproximativ 600 de standuri au fost sigilate luni de comisarii Gărzii Financiare în timpul descinderii în depozitele complexului comercial "Dragonul Roşu" din Capitală, pentru că marfa nu avea documente de provenienţă, şi 40 de tone de marfă au fost confiscate în "Europa", potrivit ANAF.

Comisarii Gărzii Financiare şi inspectorii fiscali au confiscat, până în prezent, din depozitele complexului "Dragonul Roşu" 280.000 de farfurii, 150.000 de căni, 75.000 de sacoşe de rafie şi 30.000 de articole de bucătărie, se arată într-un comunicat de luni al Agenţiei Naţionale de Administrare Fiscală (ANAF).

La sosirea inspectorilor ANAF şi ai Gărzii Financiare, însoţiţi de aproximativ 60 de luptători ai Brigăzii Speciale de Intervenţie a Jandarmeriei, standurile erau închise.
În timpul controalelor, un elicopter de la Inspectoratul General de Aviaţie al Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor a survolat zona complexului "Europa", pentru a sprijini acţiunea comisarilor Gărzii Financiare.

Inspectorii financiari aveau informaţii că în complexul comercial "Europa" se comercializează şi sunt deţinute produse fără documente legale. Marfa ar proveni atât din ţări ale Uniunii Europene, precum şi din state din afara spaţiului UE.

În urma verificărilor, inspectorii financiari au constatat că evaziunea fiscală în zonă este de 100% şi că forma de deţinere a spaţiilor este în afara legii. (cotidianul.ro)

7 mar. 2011

Sex slavery: A family business in Romania

When Marius Nejloveanu was sent to jail in January for 21 years, it was the longest sentence anyone had faced in Britain for human trafficking.

The judge said the 23-year-old Romanian, together with his 51-year-old father, Bogdan, had run a sex trafficking ring like a family business. They lured several women, then aged between 15 and 23 years old, from Romania to the brothels of Madrid and Manchester, where they forced them to work as prostitutes.

One of the girls, who wished to remain anonymous described her experiences in captivity. "I saw one of them removing the eye of a girl because she wasn't making enough money," the girl said. "Another time I saw them cut another girl's leg. They were all afraid to run away or tell the police. When they weren't happy with us, they took us away into a house and tortured us."

The UN estimates up to 800,000 people a year are sold into slavery – these slaves have no rights, they are used and abused and exist only to make money for their owners." - Read more (CNN - Jonathan Wald )

5 mar. 2011

Din ciclu: Gura prostului adevăr grăieşte

  Ioan Botis - Ministrul Muncii: Sistemul de pensii de stat din România este unul de tip piramidal, e o schemă Ponzi*!
*O Schemă Ponzi este o operațiune investițională frauduloasă ce implică plata unor profituri deosebit de mari unor investitori de pe urma unor fonduri investite de alte persoane și nu de pe urma veniturilor pe care afacerea le-a generat în realitate. Ex din Romania: Caritas, Gerald, Philadelphia... etc.

‘The state pension system is a Ponzi scheme’ - the statement belongs to Labor Minister in Romania, Ioan Botis.

2 mar. 2011

Oil & hypocrisy “just beyond belief”

Is history repeating itself? This time, Libya – in 2003, it was Iraq.
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says it is not support for the Libyan people, but interest in the country's vast oil fields that is driving US rhetoric.

The only reason they are interested in Libya is for their oil. Do you hear anybody screaming and yelling here about all those people that were killed last week on the Ivory Coast or in Sudan?” Celente questions. “We already heard Hillary Clinton say that they are willing to do anything for anybody in Libya that needs aid.

Gerald Celente says the hypocrisy is “just beyond belief” and the western world is calling for the head of Gaddafi but not for the head of any other leader from rioting countries like Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia or Yemen.
Why? Because it is oil. You think we’d be in Iraq if the major export there was broccoli? exclaimed Celente.

Libya may face civil war - Washington and UK Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention

    The Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi has once again appeared on state TV, vowing to fight on. A series of blasts have reportedly rocked the Libyan capital as Colonel Gaddafi continues to hold on. Several towns near Tripoli are now in the hands of the opposition. But witnesses say one of them has come under air attack, and forces loyal to Gaddafi have retaken a nearby oil facility. Meanwhile, the US is flexing its military muscle, moving its naval forces closer to Libya, and triggering speculation of possible strikes. The UK's also not ruling out the use of force. The international storm's gathering over the Libyan leader, with the UN suspending the country from its Human Rights Council. It also calls for a mass humanitarian evacuation for people caught up in the crisis. As world pressure mounts, RT's Laura Emmett reports on whether NATO's ready for a new war.

The Threats of NATO Intervention and U.S. and E.U. Control over Libya

Libya has been in the cross-hairs of the Pentagon for years. According to Wesley Clark, the retired general who was the supreme military commander of NATO, Libya was on a Pentagon list of nations to be invaded after Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The list included Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, and lastly Iran. In Clark’s own words:

So I came back to see him [a high ranking military officer in the Pentagon] a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defence’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” [18]

In one way or another all the nations on the list have been attacked directly or indirectly and all of them, but Syria and Iran, have succumbed to the U.S. and its allies. Again, the only exceptions are Iran and its ally Syria. In Lebanon, the U.S. has made partial gains, but it is now receding with the decline of the Hariri-led March 14 Alliance.

Libya started secret negotiations with Washington in 2001 that materialized into formal rapprochement after the fall of Baghdad to British and American troops in 2003. Yet, the U.S. and its allies have always wanted to expand their influence over the Libyan energy sector and to appropriate Libya’s vast wealth. A civil war provides the best cover for this.(www.globalresearch.ca)

Libya has the largest proven oil reserves in Africa, at more than 3 per cent of the global total – and there could be a lot more undiscovered. Libya is not the only African nation in turmoil. Somalia’s drawn-out conflict has been called ‘a slow genocide’. But there’s little sign of US or European military input. And it is a similar story on the other side of the continent.

There are events unfolding in the Ivory Coast where there is also an armed conflict between rebels and the government, but nobody seems to be thinking of that, said John Laughland from the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation.It’s only because fashionable attention is focused on Libya – oil but also for the political implications of the Middle East as a whole. We all know that the West including Britain has got its hands very dirty with the Libyan leadership over the recent years.