31 iul. 2010

România - o ţară superstiţioasă

Portretul unei ţări. Mulţi români cred că Soarele se învârte în jurul Pământului, că pe vremea dinozaurilor trăiau oameni sau că horoscopul este „foarte ştiinţific“(gandul.info)

Soarele se învârte în jurul Pământului - 42% cred că da, 7% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Primele fiinţe umane au trăit în aceeaşi perioadă cu dinozaurii - 30% cred că da, 25% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Pământului îi trebuie o lună ca să înconjoare Soarele - 20% cred că da, 33% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Laserele funcţionează prin concentrarea undelor sonore - 26% cred că da, 40% nu ştiu sau nu răspund;
Laptele radioactiv devine bun pentru consum prin fierberea sa - 34% cred că da, 22% nu ştiu sau nu răspund.
Culoarea roşie ne fereşte de deochi - 39% au răspuns "bine", 13% "foarte bine";
Numărul 13 poartă ghinion - 21% au răspuns "bine", 9% "foarte bine";
Dacă te mănâncă palma stângă, vei primi bani - 31% au răspuns "bine", 14% "foarte bine";
Cine nu are noroc în dragoste are noroc la cărţi - 14% au răspuns "bine", 3% "foarte bine";

Dacă o pisică neagră îţi taie calea, aduce ghinion - 22% au răspuns "bine", 12% "foarte bine".

Există miracole, fenomene ce nu pot fi explicate de ştiinţă - 7% dezacord total, 6% dezacord, 29% acord, 48% acord total;
Există oameni posedaţi de diavol - 16% dezacord total, 10% dezacord, 24% acord, 32% acord total;
Ştiinţa greşeşte când contrazice scrierile sfinte - 9% dezacord total, 20% dezacord, 27% acord, 28% acord total.

Ne bazăm prea mult pe ştiinţă şi nu destul pe credinţă - 9% dezacord total, 24% dezacord, 35% acord, 24% acord total;
Cercetarea sociologică STISOC este focalizată pe stocul public de cunoaştere ştiinţifică şi pe atitudinile publicului faţă de ştiinţă. Am avut în vedere şi informaţii despre: credinţe şi practici religioase, cunoaştere şi atitudini referitoare la superstiţii, pseudo-ştiinţe şi para-ştiinţe, cunoştinţe specifice despre corpul uman şi despre practici de apărare a sănătăţii.
Investigaţia este sociologică, bazată pe date de anchetă, şi vizează cunoştinţe, credinţe, atitudini şi opinii, adică moduri de constituire a universurilor subiective ale publicului românesc contemporan asociate domeniilor de viaţă şi cunoaştere menţionate. Întrucât investigaţii, parţial similare, au fost realizate şi în alte ţări, mai ales europene, posibilităţile de comparare au fost la îndemână şi nu am ezitat să le invocăm şi să le prezentăm. Pentru un studiu in amanunt al rezultatelor acestei cercetari sociologice va rugam sa accesati siteul www.stisoc.ro

29 iul. 2010

Afghanistan war logs: Secret files exposes truth of occupation

• Hundreds of civilians killed by coalition troops
• Covert unit hunts leaders for 'kill or capture'
• Steep rise in Taliban bomb attacks on Nato
• Read the Guardian's full war logs investigation

War Logs Cast Light on Dirty Side of Afghanistan Conflict

The war logs cast light for the first time on the activities of the elite American unit Task Force 373, whose task is to hunt down senior Taliban in Afghanistan. Secret reports show just how cheap life is in Afghanistan -- and how often mistakes happen during missions.

Obama and the massive Afghan war leak

On July 27, Obama finally received the $37 billion in additional funding for his new war strategy, which he had been requesting for nearly six months, when the U.S. House of Representatives followed the Senate and approved the new war-funding bill.That injection, in addition to the $130 billion allocated for the Afghan and Iraqi wars this year, should give the U.S. military what it needs to "break the back" of the Taliban*, if not completely defeat them, by the summer of 2011, when the United States plans to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

* The Taliban was created in Pakistan by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and Pakistan's Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in the 1980s, when the Soviet Union was fighting its own Afghan war.

27 iul. 2010

Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010

WikiLeaks today released over 75,000 secret US military reports covering the war in Afghanistan.

The Afghan War Diary an extraordinary secret compendium of over 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. The reports describe the majority of lethal military actions involving the United States military. They include the number of persons internally stated to be killed, wounded, or detained during each action, together with the precise geographical location of each event, and the military units involved and major weapon systems used.

The Afghan War Diary is the most significant archive about the reality of war to have ever been released during the course of a war. The deaths of tens of thousands is normally only a statistic but the archive reveals the locations and the key events behind each most of these deaths. We hope its release will lead to a comprehensive understanding of the war in Afghanistan and provide the raw ingredients necessary to change its course.

Most entries have been written by soldiers and intelligence officers listening to reports radioed in from front line deployments. However the reports also contain related information from Marines intelligence, US Embassies, and reports about corruption and development activity across Afghanistan.
This archive shows the vast range of small tragedies that are almost never reported by the press but which account for the overwhelming majority of deaths and injuries.

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has been all over the news for his controversial publication of the documents he has released.As Wikileaks continues to make a name for itself by leaking nearly 93,000 documents about US policy in Afghanistan, the Obama administration says the documents do not reveal very much and, additionally, do not reflect changes in policy since Obama became president.WikiLeaks, blows the whistle but The Whitehouse downplays the release of these documents

25 iul. 2010

US and South Korea begin military drills - It will be interesting to see how North Korea will react - Nuclear threat or Not ?

(Reuters) - The U.S. and South Korean militaries kicked off large exercises on Sunday to underscore deterrence against North Korea after accusing the reclusive communist state of sinking a warship.

(www.telegraph.co.uk) - US and South Korea begin military drills in the face of nuclear threat from North Korea
The United States and South Korea began military drills off the Korean peninsula in defiance of threats from North Korea that it would respond with a "nuclear deterrent".

(voanews.com) - The United States and South Korea are to hold a series of joint military exercises in response to the late March sinking of a South Korean warship, blamed on North Korea. The first drill is to begin Sunday in the Sea of Japan. It is being called unprecedented in scope with 8,000 forces participating, 20 surface ships and submarines and about 200 fixed wing aircraft.

(news.yahoo.com) - ABOARD USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – A nuclear-powered U.S. supercarrier led an armada of warships in exercises off the Korean peninsula Sunday that North Korea has vowed to physically block and says could escalate into nuclear war. U.S. military officials said the maneuvers, conducted with South Korean ships and Japanese observers, were intended to send a strong signal to the North that aggression in the region will not be tolerated.

23 iul. 2010

Calatorie la marginea universului perceptiei mintii umane

Dincolo de confortul casei noastre numite Pământ se întinde o lume vastă și misterioasă. Un film documentar marca National Geographic ce ridică voalul de pe enigmele spațiului ce ne înconjoară. Curios?! Imaginatie sau Realitate?! Conteaza ?! Vezi documentarul in varianta HD cu subtitrare in lb. romana - Click pe poza de mai jos.