27 sept. 2009

Obama's Cult of personality - School kids taught to praise Worshipful Leader

Take a look at history, Dictatorships never just appear, they very often come about via a gradual erosion of rights and freedoms, do you think the Nazi's appeared overnight?
What is approaching is something far worse than either communism or fascism, this new threat takes the very worst of each, as much as Obama is causing trouble, his one and only task is to prepare America for the coming North American Union and the loss of sovereignty.
There is a new game in town and now it has a name, Corporate Socialism - the privatization of profit and the socialization of risk and misconduct.

Sickening indoctrination.
If you need confirmation just look at the way Kim Jong Il is worshipped in N. Korea.

22 sept. 2009


Fiecare român trebuie să scoată din buzunar peste 6.300 de lei pentru ca ţara noastră să scape de datorii. Împrumutul extern precum şi numeroasele împrumuturi ale Finanţelor de pe piaţa internă au făcut ca datoria publică a României să crească la finele primelor şapte luni la 138,8 miliarde de lei, majorându-şi astfel ponderea în Produsul
Intern Brut de la 23,27% la 27,9%, potrivit datelor Ministerului Finanţelor Publice (MFP).(evz.ro)