10 nov. 2010

Resource collapse : Not if, but When.

EU needs 1 trillion euro investment in energy
BRUSSELS -- The European Union says it needs to invest euro1 trillion (almost $1.4 trillion) in pipelines, building insulation and wind and solar technology over the next decade to meet its energy needs.
EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said Wednesday the 27-nation bloc needs the new infrastructure to assure its international competitiveness, establish secure energy supplies and assure wide-ranging choice among imports.
The EU has already committed to ambitious energy commitments by 2020, promising to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent, increase renewable energy by 20 percent and improve efficiency.Those three targets are key to Europe's climate change commitments.(FORBES)   Yeah right :))))

Melting ice in the Arctic is expected to uncover untapped oil and gas reserves and open up new shipping lanes, changes "that can potentially lead to tension" in the region, Fox told The Associated Press on the sidelines of the meeting in Oslo. Yeah right :)))))) oil in the arctic :)))))

Afganistanul are resurse de petrol in valoare de o mie de miliarde de dolari
Afganistanul, una dintre cele mai sarace tari din lume, are in subsol resurse petroliere si minerale estimate la o mie de miliarde de dolari, a declarat duminica presedintele Hamid Karzai, informeaza NewsIn. Si marmota invelea ciocolata in staniol :)))))     

Reality Facts 

China resorts to blackouts in pursuit of energy efficiency
With end of current five-year plan looming, many regions are desperately pulling the plug to meet usage targets

To meet energy goals, China orders blackouts.Move affects key industrial areas.BEIJING — Chinese steel mills and mobile-phone factories are being idled and thousands of homes in one area are doing without electricity as local governments order power cuts to meet energy-saving targets set by Beijing. Rolling blackouts and enforced power cuts are affecting key industrial areas. The prosperous eastern city of Taizhou turned off street lights and ordered hotels and shopping malls to cut power use.

Blackout policy sparks diesel shortage
The blackouts are one of the factors unwittingly causing the diesel shortage. Long lines of cars and even "sold out" signs at gas stations are increasingly common sights in many cities. 

China Reported to be # 1 Energy Consumer

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