29 nov. 2007

Opriţi violenţa domestică împotriva femeilor - Stop Violence Against Women

Lansarea Campaniei Naţionale de Combatere a Violenţei in Familie faţă de Femeie: „Opriţi violenţa domestică împotriva femeilor”

Bucuresti: Campania Naţională de Combatere a Violenţei în Familie faţă de Femeie din cadrul campaniei Consiliului Europei sub genericul „Opriţi violenţa domestică împotriva femeilor”se va desfăşura în perioada 28 noiembrie -10 decembrie 2007.
Campania de combatere a violenţei în familie împotriva femeilor este o iniţiativă a Consiliului Europei în vederea conştientizării fenomenului de violenţă în familie ca violare a drepturilor omului.
Organizatorii campaniei din România sunt Biroul de Informare al Consiliului Europei la Bucureşti şi Agenţia Naţională pentru Protecţia Familiei din cadrul Ministerului Muncii, Familiei şi Egalităţii de Şanse.

Domestic violence is a violation of women's human rights. Violence directed against women by their intimate partners (current or former spouses or boyfriends) is an epidemic of global proportions that has devastating physical, emotional, financial and social effects on women, children, families and communities around the world.

Battered women's advocates in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (CEE/FSU) and around the world work to further women's human right to be free from domestic violence in a variety of ways. Advocates work to provide necessary services to battered women, including referrals, legal advice, shelter, crisis centers, and hotlines. Together with other members of the community, they have worked to develop common understandings of domestic violence and to coordinate the responses of the legal, medical, and social service professionals to enhance victim safety and batterer accountability. Advocates also work to prevent domestic violence through lobbying and community education, as well as through the creation of batterers' intervention programs.

Critical to these efforts to combat domestic violence has been the growing recognition of domestic violence as a violation of women's human rights. States are obligated under international law to take effective steps to protect women from violence and hold batterers accountable and to guarantee to women equal protection of the law.

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