26 nov. 2007

Joseph Stalin - The Genocide from Ukraine 1932-1933

A Man-Made Famine raged through Ukraine, the ethnic-Ukrainian region of northern Caucasus (i.e. Kuban), and the lower Volga River region in 1932-33. This resulted in the death of between 7 to 10 million people, mainly Ukrainians. This was instigated by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his henchman Lazar Kaganovich. The main goal of this artificial famine was to break the spirit of the Ukrainian farmer/peasant and to force them into collectivization. The famine was also used as an effective tool to break the renaissance of Ukrainian culture that was occuring under approval of the communist government in Ukraine. Moscow perceived this as a threat to a Russo-Centric Soviet rule and therefore acted to crush this cultural renaissance in a most brutal manner. The famine/genocide also had the added "benefit" to ethnically cleanse Ukrainians from vast territories.

Estimările privind numărul ucrainienilor care au murit în acei ani variază dar se crede că foametea a decimat aproape 10 milioane de oameni.Istoricii spun că foametea a fost cauzată de liderul comunist, Iosif Visarionovici Stalin, care a ordonat colectivizarea forţată a agriculturii şi i-a lipsit apoi pe ţărani de orice ajutor.Se estimează că în perioada cea mai grea a foametei 25 de mii de oameni mureau în fiecare zi.Adevărata dimensiune a dezastrului a fost întotdeauna ascunsă în perioada Uniunii Sovietice, fiind adusă în atenţia opiniei publice abia după câştigarea independenţei de către Ucraina, în 1991.

Un comentariu:

bloody_marvelous spunea...

Some benefit. In my experience, Ukrainian women are even prettier than Russian women. (Which says a lot). So, Stalin decided there should be less beauty in the world?