28 mai 2010
25 mai 2010
Om vs. Om
Relatiile dintre fiintele omenesti se intemeiaza intodeauna pe mecanisme de aparare, pe imagini. In relatiile umane fiecare isi construieste o imagine despre celelalte persoane, iar raporturile care se stabilesc sunt raporturi intre imagini, si nicidecum intre fiinte omenesti. Sotia are o imagine despre sot – poate nu constienta, dar ea este totusi prezenta – iar sotul o imagine despre sotia sa. Avem o imagine despre tara noastra si despre noi insine si mereu intarim aceste imagini, adaugand din ce in ce mai mult la ele. Aceste imagini determina pretinsele noastre raporturi cu ceilalti. Relatia reala dintre doua fiinte omenesti, sau dintre mai multe fiinte omenesti, inceteaza cu desavarsire atunci cand se produce formarea de imagini. Este evident ca relatiile intemeiate pe aceste imagini nu pot aduce niciodata pace in raporturile nostre, fiindca imaginile sunt fictive si nu se poate trai intr-o abstractie. Si totusi, aceasta este ceea ce facem cu totii; traim intr-o lume de idei, de teorii, de simboluri, de imagini pe care le-am creat despre noi insine si despre ceilalti, in care nu se afla nici o realitate. Toate raporturile pe care le avem, fie cu ideile, fie cu bunurile materiale, fie cu fiintele omenesti, se bazeaza in mod esential pe aceasta formare de imagini si de aici se naste intodeauna conflictul.
Omul a acceptat starea de conflict ca o parte integranta a existentei zilnice, fiindca a admis concurenta, gelozia, lacomia, dorinta de a acapara si agresivitatea ca un mod de viata cat se poate de firesc. Cand acceptam un asemenea mod de viata, noi acceptam structura societatii asa cum este ea si acceptam sa traim in conformitate cu sablonul ei de respectabilitate. Este capcana in care cad cei mai multi dintre noi, fiindca dorim sa fim cat mai respectabili! Daca cercetam mintile si inimile noastre, felul in care gandim, simtim sau actionam in viata noastra zilnica, observam ca atata timp cat ne conformam valorilor societatii viata noastra trebuie sa fie o adevarata lupta.
Cei mai multi dintre noi sunt nespus de bogati in tot ceea ce a produs societatea, in tot ceea ce societatea a creat in noi insine: bogati in lacomie, invidie, ura, gelozie, neliniste. Aceasta este “averea” noastra. (J.Krishnamurti - Eliberarea de Cunoscut)
21 mai 2010
Guvernul Basescu & Boc preferă să scadă pensiile decât să crească impozitele pentru bogaţi
Şeful FMI: Noi am spus NU tăierii salariale cu 25%. Am propus impozitarea bogaţilor. Guvernul român s-a opus
Directorul general al FMI, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a criticat dur măsurile de tăiere a pensiilor şi salariilor din sectorul bugetar pe care vrea să le aplice România.
"Le-am spus: dacă vreţi să faceţi economie, creşteţi impozitarea, mai ales pentru cei bogaţi. Noi am spus nu reducerii cu 25% a salariilor. Guvernul a spus: nu, decizia este a noastră. Aceasta este adevărat: Guvernul decide întotdeauna, nu FMI", a declarat şeful FMI în cadrul unei emisiuni difuzate de postul de televiziune France 2.
Surse : gandul.info / Cotidianul.ro / ZiarulFinanciar / Capital.ro
Life Sucks,
Politica afacerilor,
20 mai 2010
Los Angeles based Michael Ruppert, author of Confronting Collapse, speaks on the tangible steps that must be taken to confront the grave global reality of our oil dependence. Sponsored by Chelsea Green Publishing, Vermont Commons, The Candidates for Vermont Independence and Free Vermont Radio, along with local sponsors.
"What you will see here is explosive and controversial. I guess you could say I'm really back now. It's time to bring this to a head because there is no more time to waste. From now on I will refer to the Peak Oil/Sustainability movement only as the Lifeboat Movemement, because that's what it is. It belongs to all mankind."Michael Ruppert
Conspiracy theories,
Peak Oil,
Politica afacerilor
19 mai 2010
The struggle for control over natural resources is far from being resolved.
Africa's oil spills are far from U.S. media glare
Oil gushing from an undersea well in the Gulf of Mexico has damaged BP's reputation and share price but accidents involving other companies in less scrutinized parts of the world have avoided the media glare.
In contrast, the international media has largely ignored the latest incidents of pipeline damage in Nigeria, where the public can only guess how much oil might have been leaked.The most recent damage in Nigeria, which has not been attributed to militant attacks that have preyed on Nigerian oil infrastructure for years, forced U.S. operator ExxonMobil to relieve itself of contractual obligations by declaring force majeure on its exports of Nigerian benchmark crude.The light sweet crude is particularly well-suited for refining into gasoline and is regularly supplied to the United States, the world's biggest oil burner. Exxon declined the opportunity to give details of the damage, clean-up or repair work.(Reuters)
Reliance on Oil Sands Grows Despite Risks
CONKLIN, Alberta — Beneath the subarctic forests of western Canada, deep under the peat bogs and herds of wild caribou, lies the tarry rock that is one of America’s top sources of imported oil. There is no chance of a rig blowout here, or a deepwater oil spill like the one from the BP well that is now fouling the Gulf of Mexico. But the oil extracted from Canada’s oil sands poses other environmental challenges, like toxic sludge ponds, greenhouse gas emissions and the destruction of boreal forests.(nytimes)
European Parliament debates cyanide mining technologies
The EP resolution calling for the ban on cyanide mining technologies sends a signal about our also thinking of the future, not just of the present and we hope that the EU executive body comes up with a proposition to prevent ecological disasters, said MEP Daciana Sarbu (S&D/PSD), after the vote on the relevant resolution. „The resolution adopted today is a very strong signal sent by the European Parliament on how mining should be done in the future, in Europe and all over the world. Given that the resolution calls on the Commission and on Member States to not support any project that uses cyanides, the Romanian government must understand that this message addresses it directly and that its hasty and desperate efforts to implement the Rosia Montana mining project must stop,” added Renate Weber.(financiarul.ro)
Oil gushing from an undersea well in the Gulf of Mexico has damaged BP's reputation and share price but accidents involving other companies in less scrutinized parts of the world have avoided the media glare.
In contrast, the international media has largely ignored the latest incidents of pipeline damage in Nigeria, where the public can only guess how much oil might have been leaked.The most recent damage in Nigeria, which has not been attributed to militant attacks that have preyed on Nigerian oil infrastructure for years, forced U.S. operator ExxonMobil to relieve itself of contractual obligations by declaring force majeure on its exports of Nigerian benchmark crude.The light sweet crude is particularly well-suited for refining into gasoline and is regularly supplied to the United States, the world's biggest oil burner. Exxon declined the opportunity to give details of the damage, clean-up or repair work.(Reuters)
Reliance on Oil Sands Grows Despite Risks
CONKLIN, Alberta — Beneath the subarctic forests of western Canada, deep under the peat bogs and herds of wild caribou, lies the tarry rock that is one of America’s top sources of imported oil. There is no chance of a rig blowout here, or a deepwater oil spill like the one from the BP well that is now fouling the Gulf of Mexico. But the oil extracted from Canada’s oil sands poses other environmental challenges, like toxic sludge ponds, greenhouse gas emissions and the destruction of boreal forests.(nytimes)
European Parliament debates cyanide mining technologies
The EP resolution calling for the ban on cyanide mining technologies sends a signal about our also thinking of the future, not just of the present and we hope that the EU executive body comes up with a proposition to prevent ecological disasters, said MEP Daciana Sarbu (S&D/PSD), after the vote on the relevant resolution. „The resolution adopted today is a very strong signal sent by the European Parliament on how mining should be done in the future, in Europe and all over the world. Given that the resolution calls on the Commission and on Member States to not support any project that uses cyanides, the Romanian government must understand that this message addresses it directly and that its hasty and desperate efforts to implement the Rosia Montana mining project must stop,” added Renate Weber.(financiarul.ro)
Peak Oil,
Politica afacerilor
16 mai 2010
13 mai 2010
Solutii de criza - Made in Romania
Patriarhia Română: vom depăşi acest impas prin construirea de biserici pentru sporirea credinţei
Patriarhia Română consideră că lăcaşurile de cult aflate în construcţie trebuie finalizate, în ciuda crizei economico-financiare care afectează România. Reprezentanţii acesteia spun că vom depăşi impasul prin construirea de biserici pentru sporirea credinţei. "Considerăm înşelătoare opinia conform căreia trebuie făcute economii, inclusiv prin sistarea lucrărilor la lăcaşurile de cult aflate în construcţie, deoarece prin edificarea unui lăcaş de cult se întăreşte solidaritatea şi cooperarea dintre credincioşi, inclusiv întărirea vieţii spirituale, care permite oamenilor să depăşească orice fel de criză, fără să se «autodemoleze», ajungând la deznădejde sau la dezumanizare", se arată într-un comunicat al Patriarhiei Române. Un studiu recent arată că circa 4.000 de biserici au fost construite în România din 1989, în timp ce numărul de şcoli a scăzut la mai mult de jumătate.(Gandul.info)
Extra : Pentru fanii genului, recomand cu deosebita smerenie www.orthodoxmall.eu si www.vesminte.com
Patriarhia Română consideră că lăcaşurile de cult aflate în construcţie trebuie finalizate, în ciuda crizei economico-financiare care afectează România. Reprezentanţii acesteia spun că vom depăşi impasul prin construirea de biserici pentru sporirea credinţei. "Considerăm înşelătoare opinia conform căreia trebuie făcute economii, inclusiv prin sistarea lucrărilor la lăcaşurile de cult aflate în construcţie, deoarece prin edificarea unui lăcaş de cult se întăreşte solidaritatea şi cooperarea dintre credincioşi, inclusiv întărirea vieţii spirituale, care permite oamenilor să depăşească orice fel de criză, fără să se «autodemoleze», ajungând la deznădejde sau la dezumanizare", se arată într-un comunicat al Patriarhiei Române. Un studiu recent arată că circa 4.000 de biserici au fost construite în România din 1989, în timp ce numărul de şcoli a scăzut la mai mult de jumătate.(Gandul.info)
Extra : Pentru fanii genului, recomand cu deosebita smerenie www.orthodoxmall.eu si www.vesminte.com
Politica afacerilor,
11 mai 2010
9 mai 2010
Nearly a Third of Your Genes Are Patented by Biotech Companies
We may have inherited some of our finest qualities from parents and grandparents, but like anything else, there is a downside: part of that inheritance could be a disposition to a variety of deadly diseases. But the good news is that since the mapping of the human genome, science has made some giant leaps in detecting and treating inherited conditions.
By detecting those genes, for example the genes that predispose women to breast cancer, doctors can offer preemptive treatment. It sounds simple enough, but there's a catch: a woman may have that gene, but strange as it seems, it's really the property of a biotech company that has taken out a patent on it.
So far, nearly 10,000 human genes have been patented, all of them now in question based on a court ruling this past week.
Because, as "60 Minutes correspondent Morley Safer reports, whether you like it or not, under current law a vital part of who you are actually belongs to someone else.(more here)
By detecting those genes, for example the genes that predispose women to breast cancer, doctors can offer preemptive treatment. It sounds simple enough, but there's a catch: a woman may have that gene, but strange as it seems, it's really the property of a biotech company that has taken out a patent on it.
So far, nearly 10,000 human genes have been patented, all of them now in question based on a court ruling this past week.
Because, as "60 Minutes correspondent Morley Safer reports, whether you like it or not, under current law a vital part of who you are actually belongs to someone else.(more here)
6 mai 2010
China & Peak Oil
Although Mr. Saxena didn’t say anything that came as any great surprise to the Peak Oil-aware community, the fact that this interview was aired on a mainstream financial station tells us we’re approaching a tipping point of Peak Oil awareness.
CNBC interview with Puru Saxena (CEO of Puru Saxena Wealth Management) on 26th April, 2010 regarding "China & Peak Oil".
The very best basic introduction to the concepts of Peak Oil : www.chrismartenson.com
CNBC interview with Puru Saxena (CEO of Puru Saxena Wealth Management) on 26th April, 2010 regarding "China & Peak Oil".
The very best basic introduction to the concepts of Peak Oil : www.chrismartenson.com
Life Sucks,
Peak Oil,
Politica afacerilor
5 mai 2010
3 mai 2010
Scientists warn Eyjafjallajokull could trigger the Katla volcano to erupt
The recent volcanic activity of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull has shed a spotlight upon the consequences of large-scale volcanic eruptions.Katla is a much larger Icelandic volcano system located approximately 17 miles (27 km) to the east Eyjafjallajokull. Geoscientists are wary not only for the damage an eruption could cause Iceland, but also the international implications that could follow, including global temperature change.(read more)
The eruptions and ash disturbance from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano might be waking up its neighbor, Katla. If this is the case, the results could be globally devastating. Activity at Katla has risen 200% in the last two days.(read more)
The explosive activity in the volcano in Eyjafjallajökull glacier seems to be increasing as the volcanic cloud has been larger and darker in color in the past few days than what it was the week prior, according to a new report from the Icelandic Meteorological Office.(read more)1 mai 2010
Mayday! Mayday! We're Sinking!
Europe Is Finished Unless It Changes The Rules Fast
GM Food... Feeding the Hungry or Population Control?
Greece braced for mass May Day protests
Louisiana oil slick worse than Katrina
Use your finger to pay for shopping
In 20 Years, There Won`t Be Oil At Any Price
Today Facebook, Tomorrow the World
Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production--Conclusion and Adaptations
US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015
Icelandic eruptions' impact on European economy
20 things you and your family will need to survive when the economy totally collapses and the next Great Depression begins
Update : May Day Protesters Clash With Riot Police In Greece. Thousands of Greeks are taking part in May Day rallies called by trade unions and left-wing parties. The EU is demanding the austerity cuts in exchange for a huge bail-out deal.
Hundreds of thousands of people joined May Day rallies across Europe
Conspiracy theories,
Life Sucks,
Politica afacerilor
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